I Turned You Down
I turned you down so hastily
And it’s tearing me apart
In my heart of hearts I’m screaming
In my heart of hearts I cry
And it’s cold
So cold
I turned you down
Oh, I turned you down so thoughtlessly
And it’s tearing me apart
In my heart of hearts I’m screaming
In my heart of hearts I cry
How I wish you told me that
I wish you’d told me that before
I wish you’d told me that before
I wish you’d told me that before
I turned you down

یک پاسخ to “”

  1. افشین سلحشور Says:

    اخوي! حالا اينايي كه خارجكي گفتي يعني چه!!!
    فكر ما بي سواد هاي دو كلاس اكابر رفته را نكردي !؟

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